So baby Benny boy is finally here. After what seemed liked FOREVER!!! Labor started February 4th, 2013 after I decided to give the ol' trusty castor oil a try. Guess what? It worked! After cleaning me out contractions started up within the hour and they were consistent at 2-3 min apart. So after waiting for my sister to come over and stay with the girls, Barrett and I headed to the hospital. When I arrived I was dilated to 3, which was an upgrade from 2cm at my last doc appt. So I walked the halls for an hour and was checked again. I was at 4cm so they admitted me. The contractions were totally tolerable and I credit the "gentle birth herbal solution" and suggest anyone expecting start taking it at 35 weeks. So I continued to walk the halls all night and when checked again about 2am I was dilated to a 6. But that's when labor kinda stalled out. So I walked another couple hours and still no change. So the doc broke my water at about 6:45am. But still no change. I walked and walked and then the word pitocin got brought up. Mind you I went in with the mind to go all natural. As well as Kinslee did not react well to pitocin and I almost had a c section with her after prolonged periods of her heart rate dipping with every contraction. So I opted to steer clear from it. I asked to use a breast pump instead (as nipple stimulation cause contractions). At first they were reluctant but finally agreed to let me try. After having the breast pump only about 60-90 seconds hardcore labor kicked in and I was crawling the walls. I then decided that there was no way I was "going natural". As I had what seemed to be 15-30 seconds in between contractions. But that's when things got scary.
So after I got the epidural I started to dream in Spanish. That's right in Spanish. I was walking in a garden looking at plants and pots and it was narrated in Spanish. Then the nurse snapped me out of it and asked if I were passing out? I didn't realize it but yes I had. My blood pressure had dropped to 60/30. It had been sitting steady at 115/70 my whole pregnancy and delivery. Then Bennett's heart rate started dipping into the 80's and 90's. So I then got meds to bring my blood pressure back up and spent the next 3 hours sleeping on my hands and knees. I wake up and the doc says let's start pushing. So after about 5-6 pushes, Barrett delivered our baby boy and put him up on my chest.
What a great experience for Barrett to deliver him and for me to have Bailee there. Also what a great experience for Bailee to watch.
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